Dragon Wagon pt. 2 A Visual History Army

A Visual History of the U.S. Army’s Heavy Tank Transporter 1955-1975
Dragon Wagon is the second in a series of titles covering the U.S. Army’s Heavy Tank Transporters. The first volume covered the M25/M26 Pacific family of vehicles and trailers during their service in WWII and Korea. Part 2 picks up the story with the successor to the Pacific; the magnificent 10-ton M123 tractor. The unarmored M123 soldiered on through the 1950s and Vietnam while paired with the modernized M15A1 and M15A2 trailers from WWII. Also covered is the rare and unusual M746 tractor with service pictures from its brief career. Photo coverage includes lavish color shots of the M123 in Vietnam, as well during development and testing. Additional detail photos are provided of the M123A1C, M123E2 and M746. ISBN: 978-1-944367-04-6
Autor(en): David Doyle
Verlag: Ampersand Publishing
Seitenzahl: 120
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Maße: 21,5 x 28 cm
Einband: Softcover
Gewicht: 0.60 kg
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