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Unverified Purchase - from CCP v. posted 4/19/2018 12:37:11 PM
I've so far only tested it with 2mm copper tubing and the little machine works great as long one presses lightly on the cutting arm. The quality of the motor is speed, not torque. Very usefull tool, i'm already very happy with it !
1 from 1 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from K. posted 1/8/2017 8:16:19 AM
Plastik und kleine Metallröhrchen lassen sich schnell trennen. Ein kleiner Nachteil: sehr kurze Teile können nicht einspannt werden.
1 from 1 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Peter E. posted 6/27/2017 1:35:30 PM
Zum Schneiden für Kanonenrohre und Schienen der Modelleisenbahn in HO .oder dicke Drähte
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Albert W. posted 1/15/2018 5:35:51 PM
Mechanik etwas grob.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

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