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Verified Purchase - from Marko J. posted 2/27/2020 1:33:23 PM
The best 1/32 scale Bf 110C-2/C-7.
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Verified Purchase - from Marko J. posted 6/6/2020 7:09:56 AM
A top notch A/C scale model. ***
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1:32 scale Revell Bf 110C-2/C-7

Verified Purchase - from Marko Joensuu posted 2/29/2020 12:21:57 PM
This kit is a reissue of the Dragon kit from 2008. It is still the very best 1:32 scale Bf 110C-2/C-7 kit available today. Kudos go to Jerry Crandall and Mark Proulx for bringing their Luftwaffe knowledge in assisting this kit, the first in Dragon and now later in Revell package, to market. 1:32 scale Bf 110C-2/C-7 kit has excellent cockpit, engine, gear/gear wells, ordnance and surface details. It has open/closed canopy, positionable radiator flaps, bombs/bomb racks options and detailed engines. The kit has 400 injection moulded parts on 14 sprues, 23 clear parts on 2 sprues and one decal sheet. The thin decals of the kit are designed by AirDOC and made by Zanchetti for Revell and have a very good registration, color density and sharpness. Decal options are offered for following markings: Bf 110C-2, 3U + GT, W.Nr. 3063, 9./ZG 26, France, June 1940, during the campaign in the West and later the Battle of Britain; this was quite likely the A/C of Kommandeur Major Wilhelm Herget. This is absolutely a great camouflage scheme. Bf 110C-7, S9 + AN, W.Nr. not known, ZG 1, Belgorod, Russia, May - July 1942; it is not known who's A/C this was, but it was probably Staffelkapitän's A/C. Another great camouflage scheme. Unfortunately the kit does not have Swastikas due to the German laws. Thus, the builder has to purchase them from aftermarket; there are plenty available though. Perhaps the drawbacks/weaknesses of the kit are flat-faced engine exhausts (however these are easy to drill open or to replace with e.g. Quickboost, QB32051, exhausts), decal seat belts (can be easily enhanced by setting them on foil pieces or by replacing them with e.g. HGW seat belts) and non-positionable flight control surfaces (can be easily fixed by the builder if wanted). So these are the only minor flaws of the kit that can be fixed easily. Revell instruction booklet is a very good one, e.g. marking options are printed in color at the rear of the booklet. Furthermore the instructions are clear and easy to follow. Finally, this is truly an amazing kit, given the excellent overall fit, the level of detail, the amount of plastic and the bargain price. You really can't go wrong with this kit. Absolutely highly recommended kit, go and purchase yourself at least one of these kits - it's worth it and you'll enjoy building it. Thanks Revell and MBK!
1 from 1 Customers found this review helpful.

1/32 Revell

Unverified Purchase - from Dirk Trippler posted 12/31/2021 4:45:18 PM
Bin dieses Modell zur Zeit am bauen. Wie schon bei der Focke Wulf 190 von Revell ist die Passgenauigkeit hier nicht groß. Auch bei dem Bauplan ist teilweise Rätselraten angesagt.Vor allem beim Fahrwerk und den Auspuffrohren sollte man sich Bilder von fertigen Maschinen anschauen. Dies wird mein letztes Revell Modell gewesen sein.
1 from 2 Customers found this review helpful.


Unverified Purchase - from Sebastian Richard posted 8/21/2024 11:53:58 AM
Toller Bausatz der den übliche Revell-level an Passgenauigkeit und Details übersteigt(Da ehem.von Dragon ).Hab das Modell jetzt bereits zum 2.mal Gekauft aber diesmal mit etlichem Zubehör wie z.b. das Cockpit von Quinta,3D gedruckten Abgasrohren und Messingläufe für die aber eigentlich nicht nötig bei der Qualität des Bausatzes.Wird mein erstes nicht rein out of the Box Modell . Wegen seiner Größe und Qualität wird es (meine Meinung)wohl keine Probleme mit den Zubehörteilen geben. Auch der Preis ist super,bekommt man doch einen fetten Vogel;-). Denn Kommentar mit 2 Sternen kann ich übrigens nicht bestätigen:Ich baue nur gelegentlich Modelle und fand alles sehr gut erklärt und Passgenau,kommt schon nah an Tamiya musste kaum Spachtel
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Verified Purchase - from Marko L. posted 1/2/2021 11:17:31 PM
Schön aber gross.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

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² Original price of the dealer
³ Suggested retail price