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Customer Reviews 8
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Verified Purchase - from CRISTIANO S. posted 5/23/2020 10:04:38 AM
product good
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

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Top Bausatz

Unverified Purchase - from Ole Curth posted 2/9/2022 8:39:24 PM
Sehr guter Bausatz mit vielen Details. Meiner hatte etwas mit "Flesh" zu kämpfen. Aber sonst echt super!
1 from 2 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from Erik B. posted 1/21/2021 10:49:26 AM
It seems to be a great kit for a very reasonable price. Very nice detailing out of the box and a couple of very interesting marking options on the decal sheet. The ground-attack Fw190F-8 and the nightfighter variant couldn’t really rock my boat but this bomber interceptor variant certainly does. Of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, but the kit already looks mouth-watering!
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from Franz Christl posted 8/14/2019 10:16:18 AM
Eine weitere Variante der sehr guten Fw190 von Revell mit sehr schönen Decals. Vielleicht kommt bald eine A-9
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from Oliver S. posted 3/27/2025 4:23:57 PM
In 1:32 gibt es nicht viele Bausätze von der Fw 190. Toll, dass MBK diesen hat!
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from - H. posted 3/24/2020 6:21:10 PM
Revell hat hier gute Arbeit geleistet. Gut detaillierter Bausatz zum günstigen Preis.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from Karlheinz H. posted 7/14/2020 8:23:04 AM
Detailreiches gut verarbeitetes Standmodell
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from Uwe F. posted 2/2/2021 8:58:29 AM
Noch im bau befindlich... Bis dato eigentlich zufrieden. Bisher passt alles,mit den Decals nur bedingt zufrieden.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

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² Original price of the dealer
³ Suggested retail price