Marder II (Sd. Kfz. 131) on the Eastern Front
Decalbogen 1:35
500 limited prints.
Fleshy pink for a coal thief\'s face?! Surely not... According to one very good close-up image of this particular Marder II, the shade inside the face was as dark as the green (assuming that it isn\'t brown) camouflage splotches around the vehicle. Not only that, the inside shade did not even fully cover the entire face! One can only assume the two cartoon faces (one for each side) were painted over a sprayed splotch of green camo, probably to obtain that dirty thief facial expression. Whether it was done purposely or not, we have no clue. But certainly fleshy pink does not even look that dark...
Okay, if indeed the face was really flesh-coloured, the painter must have taken a lot of trouble to get that single colour can of specially-mixed flesh tone from his supplier into the field. Or just maybe he mail-ordered it, or have it flown in... If not, he would have to obtain 3 cans of paint: red, yellow and white and do very careful mixing by himself to get that fleshy tone... If he did go through all that trouble, obviously he did a very bad job for a nicely detailed face as the flesh shade was still pretty dark... Pretty illogical don\'t you think?
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