USMC LAV & ASLAV Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003
Maßstab 1:35
Interesting markings for the USMC LAVs in OIF 1? Well, if these aren't what LAV fans are looking for, then we... we... we are just going to try harder the next time!
3rd LAR (Light Armored Reconnaissance) Battalion LAVs, featured in this set, had a mix of desert tanned and 3-toned (NATO camouflage) vehicles, so their Company (skeleton dragoon) Battalion (wolf's head) symbols come in two colors. Black versions for the desert tanned vehicles and light tanned versions for the 3-tones. Same goes for the variety of chevrons and "3"s (stands for 3rd LAR). For reasons unknown, there are three kinds of "3"s seen with the chevrons - probably to deceive enemy gunners? Two of which are deliberately slanted in the opposite directions on the real vehicles. Nevertheless, all are captured in this set.
The 3rd LAR markings can also be used across several other types of LAV variants in their inventory: Command and Control, AT, Recovery, Mortar etc...
The second portion of the set is dedicated to ASLAVs serving in Iraq (Operation Catalyst 2003). One belonging to 2nd Cavalry Regiment (with the red Roos), the other belonging to 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry). The first vehicle had BAR armour fitted to the turret, BAR armor fittings can also be seen on the hull. The second vehicle is a standard type 1 vehicle in phase 3 configuration. While this set caters to two specific Type 1s, you can also customise your own ASLAV markings based on the generic vehicle numbers and letters (for the names) provided.
One of the ASLAVs, vehicle named "COURAGE", was seen with national colors, so a full-sized flag is also provided - just trim and wrap it around the right turret antenna!
This set comes with full vehicle stencils for the USMC LAV-25 and ASLAV, not only in black, but also green! You just need to cut and paste where necessary - instructions are given. There are 4 black sets (2 LAV-25, 2 ASLAV), and 4 for the greens (also 2 sets for each vehicle type).
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