- 8 Vallejo Model Air Farben
Alle Farben sind lichtecht, alterungsbeständig und hoch pigmentiert. Sie lassen sich leicht auftragen und sind für feinste Details und größere Oberflächen gleichermaßen geeignet.
Model Air ist in praktischen 17ml Plastikfläschchen mit Tropfenzähler verpackt. Das bewahrt die Farbe vor dem Austrocknen. Man kann auch sehr kleine Mengen entnehmen, ohne das der Rest trocken wird und auch die angebrochene Flasche über lange Zeiträume hinweg ohne Verlust benutzen. Der Tropfenzähler iat auch beim Mischen und für die Anwendung mit Airbrush ausgesprochen praktisch.
Enthaltene Farben:
Set with 8 colors Model Air in 17 ml., developed for painting the principal camouflage patterns of most of the US ARMY AIR CORPS aircraft deployed in the European Theater of Operations (ETO) during WWII. The set includes the standard camouflage colors Olive Drab/Neutral Grey used before WWII, the new version of these colors incorporated starting in 1942, the natural
metal finish starting 1944, and the colors most employed for the interior of the aircraft (cabins and structures).
Model Air colors developed on the basis of intensive research and precise color matching with the Federal Standard 595 color specifications. The sets include the colors for the aircraft profiles and camouflage patterns drawn by Mark Rolfe. With the collaboration of “Pieza a Pieza Modelling Workshop”.
N. 41 Olive Drab: Due to the large stock available, this color was used before and during the entire War on the upper surfaces of all kinds of US ARMY aircraft.
N. 43 Neutral Gray (FS 36173): Due to the large stock available, this color was used before and during the entire War on the lower surfaces of all kinds of US ARMY aircraft.
ANA 603 Sea Gray (FS 36118): Color which replaces N.43 Neutral Gray beginning 1.942 according to the new norm ANA. The large stock of N.43 available resulted in both colors coexisting during the entire War.
ANA 611 Interior Green (FS 34151): Standard Color in most cockpits and crew areas during the entire War.
ANA 612 Medium Green (FS 34092): Color used ocasionally on N. 41/ANA 613 in the form of irregular patches to break the outline the profile of the aircraft. Principally used for bombers.
ANA 613 Olive Drab (FS 34088): Color which substitutes N. 41 Olive Drab starting 1.942, in accordance with the new ANA guidelines. The large quantity available of N.41 caused both colors to coexist.
Zinc Chromate Yellow: Basic primer employed in the aeronautic industry to protect the interior and exterior structure.
Aluminium: At the beginning of 1944, the obligation to paint the aircraft was abolished, and planes left the factory in natural, unpainted metal.
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