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Encyclopedia of armour modelling #4 "Weathering"

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Ammo of MIG
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Versand 1 - 2 Tage
Fachbuch zum Thema Modellbau.

In Englisch.

The definitive AFV modeling encyclopedia from the hand of Mig Jiménez, creator of FAQ 1, FAQ 2 and many of the best-selling books in the history of modeling, and a team of the best AFV modelers from all over the world under his direction.

Throughout almost 150 pages and more than 700 large photos, Volume 4 explains step by step and in detail the weathering and fading techniques and effects necessary to adapt your models to any given setting with a highly realistic finish.

In this fourth volume of the AFV Encyclopedia, we´ll examine in detail how to make accumulated rust and dirt effects, streaking grime, rain marks, rust streaks, several methods for dust and earth stains. We also explore mud splatters and stains, fresh oil, grease, fuel, and water marks, as well as different types of rust effects and the specific weathering scenarios presented by desert and winter subjects.

The techniques shown in the encyclopedia are described with highly informative texts and numerous pictures illustrating the process in great detail. This encyclopedia is the definitive tool for the workbench of any AFV aficionado. Don´t miss the fourth installment of this five-volume comprehensive encyclopedia!
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