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Manshu Ki-79B

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RS Models
2 Pieces available
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The Nakajima Hikoki K. K. factory in Japan stopped producing Ki-27 fighters and started producing the more modern and powerful Nakajima Ki-43-I type.
However, there was interest in producing these simpler aircraft in Manchuria, so the Nakajima factory supplied production preparations for the Ki-27 to the Manshu Hikóki Seizó K.K. company.
Production continued there and another 1,379 aircraft were produced.
Manshu continued to develop this type and thus a training aircraft was created with which pilots could train and switch to the fighter aircraft without having to change the habits they had acquired during training.
Since the trainer did not require a too powerful engine, a weaker engine was installed and the cockpit was now open.
The installation of a smaller and lighter engine shifted the aircraft's center of gravity backwards, requiring the front part of the fuselage to be extended by 200 mm.
The volume of the fuel tanks was reduced because the new engine had lower fuel consumption. The aerodynamic hubcaps were removed and a fixed spur gear was placed at the end of the fuselage.
In 1942, Rikugun Koku Hombu adopted this type under the designation "Continuation Training Aircraft Type 2". -79a Kó in single-seat version, powered by an air-cooled star nine-cylinder Hitachi Ha-13a 1 cylinder with a take-off power of 515 hp.
The two-seat version differed in that the seats were installed one behind the other and was designated Ki-79b Otsu.
The single-seat Ki-79a was armed with a 7.7 mm Type 89 machine gun.

Plastic model kit
  • 1. Ki-79 Otsu, 113th Shimbu-tai, Ikonawa, 9. Kikusui-operationi, June of 1945
  • 2. Ki-79 Otsu, Indonesian People's Security Force, Maguwo airfield, April 1946
  • 3. Ki-79 Otsu, training unit, Mukden, China, August 1945
Scale 1:48

unbuilt / unpainted

Paint and glue not included
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² Original price of the dealer
³ Suggested retail price