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Aircraft Weathering Magazine No.16 - Rarities

Ammo of MIG
5 Pieces available
Shipping 1 - 2 days
Magazine, soft cover, 72 full clor pages.

The sixteenth issue of The Weathering Aircraft is available now! On this occasion, we will focus on unusual schemes and how to solve some of the problems often encounter ed when painting these interesting finishes. Quite often, the inherent difficulties of these camouflage patterns deter modellers from attempting to paint them. Knowledge of the amazing techniques demonstrated will be essential to applying a realistic finish to your models and will enable even a beginner to avoid a toy-like appearance. In this issue we will show you how to paint these rare aircraft, teach you what effects must be added, and demonstrate how to use the correct materials. As you have come to expect from TWA, we have gathered teaching tools and inspiration from some of best modellers around while paying special attention to showing you exquisitely built and painted models, a simple step-by-step article so that you can reproduce the effects shown, all accompanied with clear text and high-quality photographs. All in all, this is an extremely comprehensive issue, providing you with the opportunity to learn how to recreate these strikingly unique and lessor well-known aircraft with an extremely realistic finish.
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Verified Purchase - from Andor E. posted 10/25/2023 4:32:39 PM
good price
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