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Jagdpanzer IV Panzer IV/70 (V) & Panzer IV/70 (A)

Panzer Tracts
5 Pieces available
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Panzer Tracts No.9-2: Jagdpanzer IV
  • Authors: Thomas Jentz & Hilary Doyle
  • Language: English (UK)
  • Pages: 80
  • Photos: 99
  • Drawings: 15 pages of 1:35 and 1:10 scale CAD drawings
  • Softcover, 280x215mm, portrait
  • Jagdpanzer IV
  • CAD Drawings
  • Panzer IV/70(V)
  • Panzer IV/70(A)
  • 4 more pages
  • 11 more photographs – including a preserved Jagdpanzer IV in Syria
  • Revised CAD drawings, including new views of the Kugellager ‘Vorsatz P’ (ball mount)
  • Rewritten captions
  • Rescanned and reworked images for clarity and tonal quality
  • Clearer layout and navigation
  • Table of Contents
  • Vertical title block on the covers
  • Perfect bound for durability
Panzer Tracts No.9-2: Jagdpanzer IV sees Panzer gurus Thomas Jentz and Hilary Doyle document the development, production and combat history of the various versions of Jagdpanzer IV.

The Panzer Tracts team produced highly accurate CAD drawings for three Jagdpanzers, two Panzer IV/70(V), and one Panzer IV/70(A), and the dates of significant modifications are correctly determined. Precise measurement of the seven survivors’ external features revealed that the Panzer IV/70(V) superstructure roof was 30mm shorter than the standard Jagdpanzer – and the Panzer IV/70(A) roof is still shorter!

In addition to 12 pages of 1:35 scale CAD drawings, three pages of 1:10 scale drawings of particular components, tools and holders are included. As is their standard, the text and data are only ever based on primary sources.

Working closely with Hilary Doyle, Panzerwrecks has overhauled this important book with more pages and more photographs – all of which are large and clear. Many of these photographs have been rescanned from originals for optimum reproduction quality. Most of the drawings have been revised.

This book is the must-have for accurate information and scale drawings of the Jagdpanzer IV, Panzer IV/70(V) and Panzer IV/70(A).
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