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VA26201 Water EffectsTransparent

2 Pieces available
Shipping 1 - 2 days

A range of high density gels, waterbased and transparent, which can be applied with a brush, spatula and any other tool to render textures of water and ice. The colors can be mixed with one another, with Transparent Water (Ref. 26.201), or with any other shade in the Model Color, Game Color or Model Air range. Drying time depends on the thickness of the application and the humidity in the atmosphere, and varies from 45 minutes to hours or even days if applied very thickly. Tools and working area can be cleaned up with water. The products are packaged in 200 ml. pots.
Packaging: In 200 ml. pots (6,75 Fl. Oz.).
A high density completely transparent gel, perfect for shallow water on coloured grounds, and especially apt for white water and cascades, glaciers. Transparent Water can be tinted with Model Air or the Game Color Inks which are recomended for their low viscosity and easy mixing. Applied on a non porous surface, it can be peeled off when dry to create waterfalls and icicles.


Inhalt: 200 ml

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