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Weathering SUPER PACK Beginners Set

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Ammo of MIG
Base Price: 1 Stück = 35.95
2 Pieces available
Shipping 1 - 2 days
SUPER PACK Beginners Set: Weathering
Set specially designed to provide you with the essential products to create weathering effects in any scale kit.
A basic, but indispensable set of weathering products to start applying weathering effects to your models. Made up of a carefully chosen selection of essential tools and products, this set includes: black and dark brown washes; grime and warm dirty grey tones for streaking effects; dark earth and rubble pigments; earth-colored splashes and dark, thick mud effects; spilled fuel, grease and oil stains; and enamel thinner to adjust the density of the effects and cleaning brushes and tools. Each product has been formulated to offer comfort and precision, contributing to an impressive end result.
This set is not only ideal for beginners, but also for experienced modelers who simply do not have enough time to build their own selection of high-quality weathering products.

Contents of the set:              
  • A.MIG-1011  Black WASH          
  • A.MIG-1618  PLW Deep Brown         
  • A.MIG-1257  STREAKINGBRUSHER Warm Dirty Grey       
  • A.MIG-3007  PIGMENT Dark Earth         
  • A.MIG-3013  PIGMENT Rubble         
  • A.MIG-1752  SPLASHES Loose Ground        
  • A.MIG-1704  HEAVY MUD Heavy Earth        
  • A.MIG-1408  Fresh Engine Oil EFFECTS        
  • A.MIG-2018  Enamel Odourless Thinner (35 ml)
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