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1 x 2.23

Base Price: 1 Liter = 159.29
More than 5 Pieces available
Shipping 1 - 2 days

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Sum 2.23
Shipping 8.50
Packaging Fee 1.00
VAT included 1.87
Total Price 11.73
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1 Articles in shopping cart

1 x 2.23

Base Price: 1 Liter = 159.29
More than 5 Pieces available
Shipping 1 - 2 days

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Sum 2.23
Shipping 8.50
Packaging Fee 1.00
VAT included 1.87
Total Price 11.73
Customer Reviews 16
14 Reviews
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0 Reviews

Bewertungen auf English anzeigen

Unverified Purchase - from T. posted 8/26/2014 6:48:05 AM
Der Karton dieses Kits quillt über von Teilen, was der Detaillierung sicher zu Gute kommt Aber wie vermisse ich die gute, alte Gummikette,wenn ein Kettenglied aus 5 Teilen zusammengesetzt wird, kann das in Arbeit ausarten. Viele Kunden werden genau das lieben ;)
3 from 3 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from D. posted 12/19/2014 10:44:55 AM
Hervorragender Bausatz, 20 Giesäste voll mit Teilen + 6 Stück für die Ketten.Kleine Platine mit Ätzteilen und Lackierschablone für die Räder. Das verspricht langanhaltender Bauspaß!
1 from 1 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Robert R. posted 8/2/2015 2:18:47 PM
Habe bisher nur die Kette gebaut - aber die ist großartig, da voll beweglich. Der Rest sieht ebenfalls sehr gut aus, vor allem die Details.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Goran G. posted 3/3/2015 7:33:41 AM
Meng is a excellent model kit manufacturer
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Joao P. posted 9/8/2014 4:20:20 PM
Meng's kit is just superb. Packaging, detailing, PE.. Highly recommend
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from jan p. posted 8/29/2014 7:33:07 AM
0 from 1 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Peter P. posted 5/11/2015 9:09:53 AM
Service sehr gut,Qualität auch
0 from 1 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Helmuth L. posted 8/25/2014 8:03:15 PM
Außergewöhnliches Modell mit auf den ersten Blick super Detaillierung.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Matthias U. posted 11/18/2015 1:10:33 AM
Ein Perfekter Bausatz, die Verpackung, die Verarbeitung und die Details lassen keine Wünsche offen. Ein super Bausatz für erfahrene Modellbauer
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Zdenek H. posted 1/3/2016 11:03:22 AM
great model acurete kit
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.


Verified Purchase - from Reinhard F. posted 8/2/2020 8:06:46 AM
Sehr gut !!!!!
0 from 2 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Erich W. posted 6/23/2014 11:12:07 AM
Noch nicht erhalten
0 from 2 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Alex B. posted 3/18/2015 2:26:40 PM
Meng is by a fair distance the best brand in 1:35 kits at the moment, combining Tamiya fit/quality/buildability with Bronco/AFV/Trumpeter detail/extras, all for a good price, and with a very interesting subject choice.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Erwin v. posted 6/9/2014 6:22:40 AM
Wie angegeben im Produktliste.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from Steffen S. posted 9/5/2014 4:58:51 PM
Sammlung, Die Kette ist der Hammer, voll beweglich, andere Teile lassen sich schlecht vom Spritzling lösen. Für das Geld guter Bausatz
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

Unverified Purchase - from matt v. posted 8/29/2014 7:10:46 AM
Love this model, but it has a lot of parts and a lot of small parts. So not an easy model for beginners.
0 from 0 Customers found this review helpful.

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² Original price of the dealer
³ Suggested retail price