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German 280mm K5(E) Railway Gun Leopold

3 Pieces available
Shipping 1 - 2 days

Plastic kit for a German railway gun 280mm K5(E) Leopold

  • 1:72 scale
  • Dimensions LxWxH (built): 445 x 46.8 x 73.2 mm
  • 316 parts
  • including 500 mm rail bed with sleepers and rails
  • not built, not painted
  • Paint and glue not included
After the NSDAP come to power in 1933 the German military began a major rearmament program and on the list of weapons needed were modern railway guns. In time these were to emerge as the K5(E) and K12(E).

The Leopold had an unconfirmed range of 17,7 kilometers (11 miles). It is fired from a turntable affording a 360 degree traverse. The gun consists of two hydro pneumatic cylinders and a single hydraulic buffer cylinder. A central jack helps support the tremendous weight of the gun and carriage. The German Leopold Gun was the largest weapon, which lobbed shells at American troops at “Anzio Beach”. When not firing, the gun was rolled back into the tunnels out of the sight of Allied reconnaissance. Although both guns had been extensively damaged, Allied forces were able to salvage the Leopold and after reconstruction of the railway, moved the gun to Naples for shipment to the United States . The Leopold is currently on display at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, Maryland.
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Verified Purchase - from Lars Ove C. posted 10/16/2024 11:54:22 AM
Nice kit
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² Original price of the dealer
³ Suggested retail price